King's College London

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Humanities and Languages

Ancient History (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Classical Studies & Comparative Literature (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Classical Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Classical Studies with English (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Comparative Literature (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Comparative Literature with Film Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
English & Modern Languages (French, German, Portuguese or Spanish) with a year abroad (BA) Bachelor; Honours
English (BA) Bachelor; Honours
English Language & Linguistics (BA) Bachelor; Honours
English with Film Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
European Studies (French pathway) with a year abroad (BA) Bachelor; Honours
European Studies (German pathway) with a year abroad (BA) Bachelor; Honours
European Studies (Spanish pathway) with a year abroad (BA) Bachelor; Honours
History & Modern Languages (French, German, Portuguese or Spanish) with a year abroad (BA) Bachelor; Honours
History & Political Economy (BA/BSc) Bachelor; Honours
History (BA) Bachelor; Honours
History and International Relations (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Liberal Arts (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Management & Modern Languages (French, German, Portuguese or Spanish) with a year abroad (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Mathematics & Philosophy (BSc) Bachelor; Honours
Modern Languages (French, German, Spanish, Portuguese) with a year abroad (BA Bachelor; Honours
Philosophy & Modern Languages (French, German, Portugese or Spanish with a year aborad (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Philosophy (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (BA/BSc) Bachelor; Honours
Physics & Philosophy (BSc) Bachelor; Honours
Politics, Philosophy & Law (LLB) Bachelor; Honours
Religion, Philosophy & Ethics (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Religion, Politics & Society (BA) Bachelor; Honours
War Studies & History (BA) Bachelor; Honours

Social and Behavioural Sciences and Law

Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies

Health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness

Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences

Business, Management and Public Administration

Architecture, Engineering, and Related Technologies

Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies

Comparative Literature with Film Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Culture, Media & Creative Industries (BA) Bachelor; Honours
English with Film Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Film Studies (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Music (BMus) Bachelor; Honours

Modified on August 06, 2024